Thursday, August 25, 2011

Set up LDAP server using Apache Directory Studio on Linux

Basically we can set up LDAP server using command "apt-get install sldap".But when we are going to configure LDAP server which gives some troubles.Because of that, using Apache Directory Studio  we can set up and configure LDAP server easily.

1. Download Apache Directory Studio and extract it.

2. Then use command line and go to Apache DS home and use following command to run the Apache DS environment.
                  ~ApacheDS$ ./ApacheDirectoryStudio

3. Now we are going to set up LDAP SERVER within Apache DS.
First you have to open Servers Window using,
          Window -> Show View -> Other.. -> Apache DS -> Servers.

4.Let's create a new server clicking New Server icon in Servers Window and use a name for Server and edit default configuration setting by double clicking server name(server.xml) and start that server by clicking run icon.(I use default settings)

5. I have already created and started LDAP server and now I have to create a LDAP connection with running server to browse it as a tree structure.

6. For that use Menu Bar and open LDAP -> New Connection wizard and type Network Parameters and Authentication Parameters.

Network Parameters :
          Connection Name - {your own one}
          Host Name - {localhost}
          Port - {10389}

Authentication Parameters :
          Authentication Method - Simple Authentication
          Bind DN or User -  uid=admin ,ou =system
          Bind password - secret

7. Now go to Connection window and select your connection, then click open connection icon to browse the tree structure of LDAP server within LDAP browser window.

8. Then you can enjoy the LDAP server within Apache Directory Studio.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I have 2 queries. Please can help or direct me regarding these: We are currently using WSO2 4.0 M8. We created some users and were using Apache Studio to view the Apache DS schema embedded in the WSO2 identity server
    We were able to see the user details, claims, uid etc. But, we are not able to see the gid (POSIX GID - Group id).
    And we were not able to add it as a new attribute as it is not displayed in the attribute Type list (drop down box). But the Schema Browser tab shows gidNumber attribute type in it.

    We want to view the GiDs of the users. Please do tell us a way to add gid as a new attribute so I can view the user’s Gid.

    2. Furthermore I also want to add PAM as an "ou" and use PAM for authentication and Mapping LDAP users to Linux user groups how can I go about this.
    Thanks in advance.
